Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Free-Speech Deniers at McGill

I find it strange that a a student at one of Canada's premier Universities (McMaster would head the list of course), would be so devoid of critical thought to:
on the one hand shut-down free speech because he doesn't agree with the opinions of the speaker,
and then on the other hand, avail himself of free-speech on this blog to leave a nasty remark (its somewhat pathetic but it is nasty).
I imagine that he can't see how stupid it makes him look.

Of course I don't think I'm "creepy" but that's just my opinion, fortunately my wife doesn't think so either, but when it comes to the assertion that I was spamming,the evidence is very clear - it was not spam (not that he would care about evidence).  I followed the McGill Tribune protocols, and added a link to Lux et Veritas; as I said yesterday:
Many Tribune  readers availed themselves of that opportunity to read more on the matter, which was pertinent to the discussion thread. It's common practice to leave links in comments (to offer back-up or more information on a matter, or the source of the information).
I try to present a logical rebuttal, perhaps somewhat ponderously, but my good friend Geraint cuts to the heart of the matter, and with an economy of words.

I have to say I think this is brilliant...

  1. shining brightly; sparkling; glittering; lustrous: the brilliant lights of the city.
  2. distinguished; illustrious: a brilliant performance by a young pianist.
  3. having or showing great intelligence, talent, quality, etc.: a brilliant technician.
  4. strong and clear in tone; vivid; bright: brilliant blues and greens; the brilliant sound of the trumpets
  5. splendid or magnificent: a brilliant social event
Sadly "anonymous little creep" is showing anything but "brilliance", but there is always redemption.

There is always the chance to turn the corner; and I hope so for his sake. My pastor prayed with me about this person after our worship on Sunday.

I attack his behaviour, I attack his ideologies, I attack the apathy that surrounds these issues, but ultimately I do not attack him per se.

I know that God loves the sinner and hates the sin. Every believer in Jesus Christ understands that, because we need forgiveness too. We know the source of forgiveness - it is through Jesus Himself.

Gurth Whitaker
Calgary AB

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