Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lord Christopher Monckton challenges Al Gore

Glenn Beck hosted a discussion with Lord Christopher Monckton, is the chief policy advisor to the Science and Public Policy Institute, and John Bolton, who is the US former UN Ambassador, on Al Gore’s shoddy global warming science and hypocrisy, on the Glenn Beck Show (October 30)

During the show,Lord Monckton challenged Gore to debate him on the science of global warming, but Gore has consistently refused to enter into debates with anybody on Global Warming.

Why wont Gore debate? He has a lot to lose; he is making a lot of money from his Global Warming products and he stands to make huge amounts if carbon trading is adopted.

Addressing Gore, Monckton said:
“and if you don’t dare, I want you to remain silent about that subject forever from now on.”


  1. I watched that episode, it was good. Monckton stole the show that night-Bolton even sat back and enjoyed the show.

