Monday, November 30, 2009

Climategate - Won't Go Away So Report it CBC

Are the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) and the French Language arm RDI (Radio Canada) reporting Climategate?

What would your guess be? Would your answer be:
"Of course this is a huge story and this is a publicly funded media corporation committed to objective reporting - so of course they will report it"
Or would your answer be:
"I doubt it the CBC has been a devoted cheer-leader for the man-made global warming fraud for years, true to their liberal-leftist biases."

A Google search of "climategate" on the CBC site revealed three entries - that means there are only three pages on the whole CBC website with the word climategate.

One entry is buried in their technology section, and two entries from the CBC blog. Hmm that's very odd - the CBC does not have a front-line news story on this, so the only reporting is by way of their blog; at least we can be thankful that the CBC has a vestige of decency and did not suppress these two entries.

I like this comment post by a gentleman named Alan Forsythe
Okay we get it, the CBC has become the official spokesgroup for global warming hysteria.
Last week you did a drive by on Lawrence Solomon and promoted the message that there's a global warming cover-up. Yet we can't open a newspaper, turn on a radio or TV without hearing about global warming. And still, not a peep about climategate, wherein the so-called science is settled crowd admit their 'science' was never settled and that they have cooked the books.
I've listened to Suzuki talk and his message is much more about taking on the Conservatives than it is about environmentalism; he never mentions the Liberal Party's failure to pursue Kyoto goals when they were in government. His agenda is clear as is Gore's, who as others have mentioned, will soon be the first enviro-billionaire.
Many more have lined up at the gravy train or have joined the legions of useful idiots. But as the hysteria grows as we approach Copenhagen, most Canadians are deciding they don't want to be 'saved' by Gore and Suzuki and prefer their lives as they are now to lives led under the dictatorial hand of the UN.
The mainstreet media, or lamestreet media as I call it, is suppressing the story. It is not a side-show, governments are contempltating diverting trillions of dollars into useless programs, and the voting public needs to hear about the scam.

There is misinformation on the Internet, but at least one can sift through and find out what is happening, rather than relying on the lamestreet media.

With all due reverence: Thank God for the openness of the Internet

Gurth Whitaker
Calgary, Alberta

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention Gurth - I've since posted several more comments on CBC but they have yet to appear. However if you wish to read more of my writing you can check out my blog: fearandloathinginBC. And I would like to add that as a career journalist I've become fairly disgusted with the stenography that passes for journalism these days. Reporters no longer think, they pass on the party line and are actually shocked when they find someone in their midst who disagrees with the accepted mindset. If there was no Internet Climategate would never have seen the light of day and what little debate there has been on Global warming would be reduced to zero.


    Alan Forsythe
