Tarek Fatah: ... the attacks on Obama from the Republican Right are little more than hatred based on their contempt for his race. Racism is not chemistry or physics that I need to prove via a scientific experiment. People of colour know when racism ...is at play; immigrants and their children know when they are the target and we are also aware when denial sets in. When I see the faces of Republicans sitting in the Senate and the House scowling in sullen silence, there is hate and contempt written on their faces. For these men, a black president MUST fail, no matter what, and my fear is they will succeed.
Apparently Mr. Fatah has the ability to see into people's hearts and know their motives. Their hatred for Obama's disastrous policies, which are dividing the country, is not their real motive - according to Mr. Fatah, their real; motive is hatred because of the colour of Obama's skin.
What drivel comes from the workings of the left-wing mind. According to Mr. Fatah "people of colour know." They don't have to prove it or show it or offer any evidence to level one of the worst labels you can throw at someone; he just "knows" because he is a person of colour. Well Mr. Fatah that IS racist.
Mr. Fatah I was very pleased when a man of African ancestry was voted to be President, but I hate his policies and his utter ineptitude. Am I racist? The facts don't count I suppose, I am a person of colour too - white with a tanned face.
It was Democrats in the South who opposed integration and were the founders and members of the KKK, not Republicans who were for integration. But facts don't count to a leftist-liberal.
Here's Anita MonCrief, an African American lady, who blew the whistle on the corruption within ACORN, and who has launched a website EmergingCorruption.com.
Emerging Corruption is a political news website that provides to the public information and investigations into ACORN and other center-left enterprises. The news website will investigate and expose historically corrupt special interest organizations and will feature information and investigations into organizational tactics, programs, campaigns, staff & initiatives including fund raising and finances.
I am Filing FEC Charges Against the Obama Administration
Some Obama supporters have leveled the very nasty phrase at African Americans who criticise Obama: they've been called "Uncle Toms" - what can I say about this type of racist left-wing tactic? Vile! Despicable! Contemptible!
How will Mr. Fatah respond to an African American lady who criticise Obama and the corrupt organization ACORN, which actively campaigned to put him in power while funded with Federal money to assist in elections?
Gurth Whitaker, Calgary AB
As a a Canadian, What policies of Obama do you disagree with? healthcare? Financial reform? Share with me issues of policy and then we will figure out why a redneck would heckle him in his State of the Union speech, and why this never happened to any other US president ever.
ReplyDeleteLet me also clarify that if I was an American, I would not vote for Obama because of his kowtowing to the Saudis and allowing the Islamists to infiltrate his administration.
ReplyDeleteHowever, his US naysayers on the street are driven by hatred, not policy, since it was Bush who let the Bin Ladens escape from America, not Obama.
What do you mean by "redneck"? That's a slur.
ReplyDeleteObama plainly lied in his State of the Union address.
He humiliated the Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS)during the same address, with them sitting there, and he did it with lie. I call it a lie, because he must have known as a lcturere in Constitutional Law that he was misrepresenting the SCOTUS.
Healthcare reform in the US was badly needed, and the Republicans had four very strong points for reform.
ReplyDeleteMajor reforms in the US system are done by bi-partisan committee; a very different from our Parliamentary adversarial approach.
When Democratic President Lyndon Johnson initiated Civil Rights reforms he assigned the chairman to a Republican. That's how things are done.
In contrast Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid pushed-though two monstrosities of legislation which resulted in unworkable, disastrous legislation by sleight of hand and kick-backs.
Many Democrats objected but they were bullied and then paid-off.
It was very unpopular legislation and Obama, Reid & Pelosi have alienated the electorate and divided the people.
It was one of the low points in US Political history. But the left-wing dominated media didn't report the facts.
The superficial leftist view from Canada is that it must be a good thing because it sounds good if you say it fast and don't give it any critical thought:
ReplyDelete'they got "healthcare" now!' Woopee!
Very popular with the CBC, CTV, The Toronto Start, The Globe & Mail.
So Tarek, what about Anita MonCrief's criticisms of Obama and ACORN? Are they racially motivated?
ReplyDeleteCould there be a legitimate reason for conservatives to hate Obama's policies?