Monday, September 6, 2010

Understanding God's WORD

It's over two weeks since I posted my staggering experiences: Set nothing before ME that is not MINE! on Lux et Veritas.

The background to that night is my Church is holding a meeting to vote on whether we will discuss leaving the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) and joining the Anglican Church in North America (ANiC)

The core message seems clear: God's grave warning of humanity's tendency to gravitate towards idolatry.

I was somewhat cautious in my wording, not because I had any doubts that God had clearly and loudly spoken to me,  but I did not want to jump in and claim things that were not part of God's message. Two people from our congregation had experiences which seemed to concur with this Word (I will return to this theme in a future post). Agnostics and atheists believe in coincidences but Christians know that where God is concerned there are no coincidences.

I was cautious because I was reminded of the passage in Joshua 5, where a man appears to Joshua:
"take off your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so. 
Joshua then went to him and said to him, "Are you for us, or for our adversaries?"  And the man said:
"No; but I am the commander of the army of the LORD. Now I have come."
And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped and said to him, "What does my lord say to his servant?" 
I understand this man to be Jesus because He did not stop Joshua from worshiping Him – if it had been an angel from God he would have said no don’t worship me, and He also says it is Holy ground. Joshua 5:13-15 (ESV)

Joshua was clearly told: there is only one purpose and that is God's purpose. I think it is wise to be circumspect. Joshua could not presume to ask: "Are you for us, or against us" - God is sovereign.

As I wrote; some generations after receiving the bronze serpent to protect them and heal them, the Israelites were worshipping the bronze serpent, but Hezekiah broke it (2 Kings 18:4). But as my meditations continued I around those passages I was brought to the "abomination" that God gives many stern warnings which tragically were not heeded by God's chosen people. In the previous chapter 2 Kings 17:17) we see that the Israelites were offering up their children as sacrifices to to one of the gods of the region known as "Molech".
And they burned their sons and their daughters as offerings 
Child sacrifice: the ultimate nadir in degrading idolatry; the people were warned but they wouldn't heed God's continued warnings. The practices of the other peoples that bordered their nation seemed more attractive than worshiping the living God.

And that is where we are today! We sacrifice our children to an idolatrous ideology called "modernism", its named: "right to chose." But it is a construct of the age.

Here's why my heart is heavy this morning as I said in my earlier post about Suzanne Collins, how she is deceived by the priests of this age.
But the heartache is magnified when I hear people tell me that our civilization has progressed so much; and we have come to the point when we kill 100,000 innocents lives in Canada every year and a million in the USA.
We have not progressed so much in several thousand years, We are still making idols - usually ideologies rather than little sculptures - but idols none-the-less; and we are still sacrificing our children to those ideologies.

The Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) officially condemns abortion but in reality the apostate church does not speak out against it because they love the ideologies of this age. I intend to show clear evidence to support that in future  posts.
A Heart Heavy from the Evil of this World

Gurth Whitaker
Calgary, Alberta

A Heart Heavy from the Evil of this World

This morning I am confronted with the heartbreaking news of a young woman from the Sate of New Jersey who went to Maryland for an abortion. From other facts in the case it appears that it was a late-term abortion.

The police investigated the abortionist's clinic (if you can call it a 'clinic') because she suffered nasty injuries: she was taken to hospital in severe condition.

This comes from the local TV station WJZ Baltimore; I can hardly write about it:

The trouble began when Dr. Nicola Riley performed a failed abortion on an 18-year-old woman on Aug. 13, perforating her uterus and cutting her bowel.

The young woman was taken to a hospital by the doctor and the clinic owner:
Union Hospital called police when the semi-conscious teen arrived at emergency with two doctors in a rental car, not in an ambulance.

"The report that came to us was so egregious and the information in the complaint so serious, the state had to respond quickly," said David Paulsen, Md. Health Department. 
 The police promptly raided the clinic taking medical records and seizing a freezer.
"It contained fetuses, approximately 35. They appeared to be close to full-term," said Lt. Matthew Donnelly, Elkton Police.
 Matthew Archbold of the National Catholic Register wrote:
I have increasingly come to agree with C.S. Lewis who said we are in “enemy occupied territory.” Hate has become so commonplace that it has lost its power to surprise meArchbold recalls a similar abortion nightmare in Philadelphia. We are indeed in "enemy occupied territory.”
But the heartache is magnified when I hear people tell me that our civilization has progressed so much; and we have come to the point when we kill 100,000 innocents lives in Canada every year and a million in the USA.

The real horror is that there are those who are preaching the ideology to young women such as Suzanne Collins, who are preaching that the life inside of them is not a person; just an inconvenience; just some tissue, not a life, not a little person.

I hope Suzanne Collins recovers with no long-lasting physical damage. It is true that the vast majority of woman who have abortions will not have to endure what she has endured but they will bear lasting psychological scars.

Suzanne Collins was escorted from New Jersey to Maryland by friends; no doubt those friends were willing to counsel her that the procedure "is nothing" or perhaps "everybody does it." Or perhaps "don't ruin your career (insert the appropriate word "life", "schooling" or whatever).

Gurth Whitaker
Calgary, Alberta.